Outer Space Exhibit

3…2…1… Welcome to our Outer Space Exhibit!
The Outer Space Exhibit features a ginormous outdoor Outer Space climber, but INDOORS! This climber has multiple-colored slides, rope tunnels, and moon craters for all minds to explore. This exhibit also has two handmade outer space astronaut’ bunks (thanks to Oak Road Woodworking) & with hands-on remote a control station in the works! Although this exhibit is not fully developed, it just adds to all the fun here! With colorful lights to brighten our galaxy and thick padding beneath our solar system rug, little ones are in for a safe landing. Around this exhibit you will see tiles hand painted by our little Astro-visitors! If you would like your child’s artwork displayed in this exhibit, please call the museum as we are selling tile kits for only $10 each. Come check it out, we are sure you’ll have a BLAST!